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Check date availability and set up a quick chat to meet! If you would like an easy check on date availability text: 757-448-7622. Or click below to set up a consultation. I'm always happy to send my price list! However, I include a bonus item in your package if we chat first!
Once you book your wedding date, we will decide on when you want to schedule your Engagement Session. Engagement Sessions are included with photography packages.
Together we will create your custom designed Wedding Album. Full of cherished favorite photos. The quintessential reminder of a day you will want to relive, over and over.
Full Gallery Delivery
Relive your day while the memories are fresh. View photos of your Bride & Groom portraits, all of the events of the day and even see how much fun your family & friends had at your wedding!
Your time to relax and enjoy your day! Natural posing will feel like muscle memory and it will all come back to you from your Engagement Session. You will feel peace knowing there is nothing you need to worry about - we will make sure to capture your day, your way.
The planning stage. We work directly with your planner or coordinator. You and I will go over any questions you have from your questionnaire. A complete timeline of the photographic aspect of the day is delivered to you. We also create and share a complete list of photos for your day.
AFP Brides love elegant ceremony photos but dramatic exit images!
Why? They want to remember the sweetness of the ceremony but also their unforgettable celebration.
Your image gallery comes together to create a perfectly curated reminder of the beginning of your legacy together.
Let's Begin Your
AFP Couple
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